Wood Betony
Wood Betony (Stachys officinalis) has quite a rich history. Thought to be a magical herb due to it’s healing powers, men during the middle ages would wear amulets and charms made of betony wood. Truth be told, many of the claims made in favour of this herb were a little exaggerated and today modern science has pinned down what this herb can actually do.
Head related afflictions such as anxiety, toothache, and headache can find some relief with this herb, along with sore throats and mouth infections.
If anxiety is caused by high blood pressure, this herb is particularly useful as it can aid in lowering that pressure.
From organic Australian suppliers
Wood Betony Herb Benefits
Wood Betony Tea is normally used for…
- Reducing anxiety
- Reducing blood pressure
- Sore throats
1 to 2 tsp dried leaf and flower steeped in 1 cup of boiling water. Don’t over steep, it will get really bitter! Add honey to take away the bitterness if you like.
No side effects known at this time.